Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Google's Rocket Scientists trap lowly blogger!

For the past day and a half, the blog you're reading has been dwelling in blog purgatory. Specifically, Google's spam blog detection software has identified this blog as likely spam, and so its ability to be found by readers has been inhibited by Google.

I first learned of this imprisonment when I saw the word verification box when I was creating a post yesterday morning. Only when I clicked on the adjoining questionmark logo did it explain the spam checking feature and that my blog had been identified as spam (note to Blogger programmers: an email would have been a better notification).

One of the spam triggers, apparently, is a lot of posts linking to the same site. (In my case, that must be the New York Times--I've got to start reading other newspapers!)

I filled in the form requesting that a person review my blog, so it can be verified that it is not, in fact, spam. Blogger claims that most reviews occur within one business day.

Yet here I am today, well into day 2, with my modest blog (number 903,000 on the Technorati importance scale) hobbled till further notice.

Release me, Google rocket scientists!

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