A superb critique of Supreme Court "knock and announce" editorial
The following letter appeared today in the New York Times:To the Editor:
I, too, disagree with the Supreme Court's stance outlined in "The Don't-Bother-to-Knock Rule." However, I fear that your editorial perpetrated a sin of omission that may be significant in understanding this decision.
If I understand the case correctly, the police had a warrant to search the premises. Nowhere did your editorial mention a warrant.
For a reader unfamiliar with the case, the editorial left the impression that now the police can simply arrive without a warrant at anyone's door, anytime, announce that they are outside and three seconds later just enter the house. That is decidedly not the case.
Although I think the Supreme Court decision is wrong, the police did have a warrant, and that makes the case different from what your editorial led the casual reader to believe.
Warren Kaplan
Merrick, N.Y., June 16, 2006
newspapers, media, errors, omissions
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