Thursday, July 13, 2006

Additional pain & suffering: obituary errors #12

From the Chicago Tribune:

- In Wednesday's obituary for Gerald Gidwitz [founder of Helene Curtis], his son James was omitted from the list of survivors. A corrected obituary appears in Thursday's Metro section.

From the New York Times:

An obituary on Monday about Paul Nelson, a pioneering rock critic, misstated the cause of death in some copies. While his friend Steven Feltes initially said he had apparently died of starvation, he said later that a cause had not been determined. The New York City medical examiner’s office said yesterday that the cause was heart disease. The obituary also misstated the date of Mr. Nelson’s collaboration with Lester Bangs on a biography of Rod Stewart. The book was published in 1981, not 1988. (Go to Article)

From the New York Times:

An obituary yesterday about Harold Olmo, a grape breeder and geneticist, misstated the location where he found what he considered to be the original wine grape vines growing wild. It was in mountains on the border of Iran and Afghanistan, not Iraq and Afghanistan. (Go to Article)

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