Corrections tally - day 3

A couple of observations. First, the papers with the highest corrections counts are the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times--not lousy papers. Perhaps the number of corrections is not simply related to the sloppiness of the staff? We'll see.
Also, a major thumbs down to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for how difficult they make it to find corrections on-line. I'm a little handicapped because I don't have access to the print edition, but the only way I've been able to find corrections is to search the site with the keyword "Correction"--which gives me a couple of results from the AJC, along with a list of web results (like the Times, which I've already found, much more easily, on their web site!). Sometimes the site displays a list of nonsense results, requiring another search. And frequently the search engine finds the same correction multiple times, making counting them precisely awfully hard work.
AJC--improve your reporting of corrections online. You are currently at the bottom of the list on this count. The only worse approach would be not to report your corrections at all (as many, sadly, don't).
newspapers, media, errors
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